So we went to see the doctor today. Topher was being his usual self. The nurses all commented on how good he was and shocked he wasn't screaming throwing a fit or scared of the doctor. I told her "if he doesn't like you he'll scream when you walk in the door other then that he's all good" LOL. He's such a silly boy! He's so tiny though! They came in checked his weight and height and head circumference then came in and did it again! Shocked that he was so small. But when he's feeling good he eats like crazy! OH they also came in and checked to see if he was anemic I've never had them do that with any of my other children.. Kinda made me feel like a bad mom because he's so tiny! His stats are
Head 18.4 in the 62% grown .4 in 3 months. Length 18.5 13% he's grown .5 in 3 months. weight 18.3lbs grown 6oz in 3 months but he did go down and come back up. He's in the 2%. He's way advanced for his age and the dr says he's very healthy and happy.
The doctor said children his age are suppose to be saying at least 1 or 2 words consistently and right them topher looks at me and says "mama dada nana num num dada ni night" LOL just like ok mom i was u and daddy and a banana and something good to eat then time for ni night.
Now he's home and the trauma's over from shots time for nap time and mom to get going on this house for his party tomorrow. I REALLY hope it turns out well since dad has traffic school in the morning so i'm solo to getting it ready (if anyone shows up lol)
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